British Values

British Values at Danson

At Danson Primary School, we ensure that through our vision, values, rules, curriculum and teaching, we actively promote and teach the fundamental British Values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of all with different faiths and beliefs. Thus, preparing and enabling the children to make appropriate choices as they navigate the rich, varied, often complex and ever-evolving life in modern Britain. We encourage our children to be creative, unique, open-minded and independent individuals, respectful of themselves and of others in our school, our local community, the wider world and of the different protected characteristics as defined by law.

At Danson, the British Values are interwoven throughout our curriculum and whole school life in a variety of ways, including:


- Elections for the Head Boy, Girl and their Deputies, House Captains, School Council, Eco Council and Sports Council which involve speeches and campaigns.

- Pupil voice on the school environment and other school matters

- Pupil Questionnaires

- Class charters

- Choices at playtimes and lunchtimes

- PSHE lessons and assemblies 

- Opportunities are given for children to have opinions and share their points of view in an environment where they feel safe to disagree with each other

Rule of Law

- School behaviour system, Golden Rules and reward systems

- Rights Respecting School Award

- Police visits

- E-safety charter and lessons

- Young Citizens ‘Big Legal lesson’

- PSHE curriculum, including lessons on keeping safe

- Values assemblies 

- Restorative justice

- Class rules charter

- Learning about the conventions/rules of religions

- PE Curriculum

- School trip to ‘The Old Bailey’

Individual Liberty

- Children are asked to make choices knowing they are in a safe and supporting environment

- Children are able to make informed decisions and know how they behave towards one another.  They understand they are responsible for their actions and how they behave.

- Values assembly

- PSHE lessons 

- Through extra-curricular clubs and opportunities, the children are able to make their own choices

- Rights Respecting School Award

- School values

- RE lessons promote liberty of faith

- Worry boxes to ensure all children are listened to and understood

- Discussion and debate promotes the exploration of everyone’s experiences, feelings and opinions

- Discussion and debate promotes active and positive listening

Mutual Respect

- Values assemblies

- PSHE lessons

- School values and Golden Rules

- RE lessons

- Behaviour expectations through all areas of the school 

- Recognition of treating others fairly and with kindness and understanding

- Anti-Bullying Week

- Competitions and sporting activities

- Listening to the views of others during talk partners, group work and class discussions

Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs

- Values assemblies

- PSHE lessons

- RE curriculum

- School values

- Recognition and celebration of different religious events

- Visitors from different faiths and cultures

- Links with St John’s Church

- School trips to places of worship

- Texts exploring different faiths and beliefs

Picture News Assembly

Each week, one of our assemblies is delivered using the Picture News resources.  This is focused around a big, open question based on a current news story.  The questions encourage the children to discuss, debate and form opinions. As part of the assembly, the children explore the British Value and protected characteristic the story relates to.

Picture News Coverage - Autumn 1

Picture News Coverage - Autumn 2 

Picture News Coverage - Spring 1