Religious Education

At Danson through Religious Education we aim to encourage all pupils to be curious, respectful and tolerant and to prepare them for living in a  culturally diverse society both now and in their future. It enables pupils to become more aware of the lives and beliefs of others, to have a well informed understanding of these and to develop their own ability to reflect upon  and compare this to their own personal beliefs and lives.

The Religious Education Curriculum at Danson is guided by the statutory requirements of The Agreed Syllabus for Bexley which states that: ‘The principal aim of Religious Education is to engage pupils in systematic enquiry into significant human questions which religion and worldviews address, so that they can develop the understanding and skills needed to appreciate and appraise varied responses to these questions, as well as develop responses of their own.’ This aim will permeate and underpin all of the Religious Education teaching and learning at Danson Primary School. 

The Curriculum is organised into units reflecting three stands:

  • Believing (Religious beliefs, teachings, sources; questions about meaning, purpose and truth)
  • Expressing (Religious and spiritual forms of expression; questions about identity and diversity)
  • Living (Religious practices and ways of living; questions about values and commitments)

Aspects of Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism and non-religious worldviews  will be explored in depth during the study of these units. Additional  religions can be included during the teaching of the  thematic units. A variety of teaching, learning and recording approaches will be used to make the lessons engaging for all and pupils will be encouraged to ask questions, debate, reflect and relate what they are learning or experiencing to their own personal situations, values or beliefs.

Each unit has an overarching key question and four units will be studied per year group, a spiral Religious Education curriculum enables pupils to revisit concepts, acquire deeper understanding, build up and consolidate their knowledge; alongside the promotion and development of Religious Education skills, which are as follows:









Pupils will also encounter a range of opportunities for first hand and sensory experiences or exploration which may include some or all of the following: the use of religious artefacts, visits to places of worship or virtual tours, visitors to the school from different faiths, listening to music or looking at art from different faiths, how festivals are celebrated, sampling food and drama.


Danson Primary School RE Policy

RE Overview  


RE - Believing Strand - Skills Progression

RE - Expressing Strand - Skills Progression

RE - Living Strand - Skills Progression 

RE - National Curriculum 

Collective Worship

Collective Worship is part of  our assemblies at Danson and these take a variety of forms: Whole School, Phase, Key Stage and Class. Each week has a different theme which incorporates PSHE (SCARF), Global/British Values, SMSC, RE or Danson Values.

Assemblies include:

Values themed assemblies led by teaching staff (these will also include special days or festivals throughout the year).

A visitor’s assembly led by a member of St John’s Church in Welling.

Class assemblies.

A weekly celebration/achievement assembly led by the Headteacher or Deputy.

An end of term celebration assembly taken by the Headteacher.

Right of Withdrawal from RE or Collective Worship

In accordance with Schedule 19 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998, parents have the right to withdraw their child from RE without giving a reason but they need to notify the school via letter or email of this decision and the parent needs to make clear whether it is from the whole of the subject or specific parts of it and/or collective worship.

If pupils are withdrawn from RE (and/or collective worship), Danson has a duty to supervise the pupil, but will not provide additional teaching or incur extra costs due to this during this time.