

The subject of science provides the foundations for children to understand the world through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. It is primarily a practical subject, which develops a spirit of enquiry by encouraging curiosity and reason. 

Skills that are developed within the subject are observation, prediction, investigation, hypothesising and interpretation. At Danson Primary School, we strive to develop the knowledge and understanding of important scientific concepts along with scientific methods and processes. We encourage the children to relate what they learn within the subject of science to their everyday experiences. We strive to make the children confident learners and to explore values and ideas through the subject of science.

Children at Danson Primary School are helped to develop their understanding of scientific ideas by using the following types of scientific enquiry: 

  • Making observations over time
  • Pattern seeking 
  • identifying , classifying and grouping
  • Comparative and fair testing
  • Researching using secondary sources

Throughout all science lessons at Danson Primary School, there is a thread of scientific enquiry which is embedded in the teaching and learning of the subject. 

At Danson Primary School, we use the Kent Scheme of science as a vehicle in order to teach the National Curriculum objectives for each key stage. This scheme of work is adapted to meet the needs of the children and to ensure that there is a clear sequence of progression within the science curriculum

At the beginning of each science unit a ‘big question’ is posed to the children which is investigated through the sequence of lessons that follow that particular science unit. In addition to this, each lesson also begins with a question which the children  aim to answer by the end of the lesson through a variety of knowledge and skills-based learning tasks. 


At Danson Primary School we aim to:

  • Develop the key foundational knowledge and understanding of the subject.
  • Develop the vocabulary needed to understand the many concepts and processes within science.
  • Develop in each child the skill of working scientifically. 
  • Develop pupils’ ability to question, hypothesise, test and discover for themselves. about the world that we live in. 
  • Develop pupils' understanding and respect for the natural world.  


The assessment of science is an integral part of teaching. It allows teachers to identify what the children already know, as well as what has been learnt, which they assess through various factors within science. 

At the beginning of each science topic, children complete a pre-task. This is to assess what the children already know about the unit they are going to be learning about. Then, once the science unit has been completed, they complete a post task which demonstrates the learning that has taken place from the start of the topic to its completion. In addition to this, during each science unit of learning, pupils are exposed to a high level of scientific vocabulary and they are assessed on their understanding and application of this. 

Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM)

In March 2023, Danson Primary School was delighted to be awarded a Primary Science Quality Mark. This national recognised award celebrates our commitment to excellence in science teaching and learning. 

The Primary School Quality Mark programme ensures effective leadership of science, enables schools to work together to share good practice and is supported by professional development led by local experts. It encourages teacher autonomy and innovation while at the same time offering a clear framework for development in science subject leadership, teaching and learning. Schools that achieve PSQM demonstrate commitment and expertise in science leadership, teaching and learning.


Eco Council

Danson Primary School also has an Eco Council. Members are elected by their classmates and they meet regularly. During their Autumn term meeting they discussed  plans to take action on climate change and improve the school's carbon footprint. Members of the Eco Council will be completing the Eco-Schools audit which will enable us to see which areas are already a strength for the school and which areas will be our priorities going forward. At the next Eco Council meeting we will determine those priorities and put specific plans in place.

 Local Community Links

At Danson Primary School, we have developed a link with Bexley Grammar School. Since June and July 2023, a science club has been delivered  by a team of sixth form science prefects from Bexley Grammar school. These engaging and practical sessions focused on enquiry based science activities which linked to the primary science curriculum whilst giving the children the opportunity to develop their science capital by using secondary school science equipment.

Danson Primary School Science Policy 

Science Overview

Science Whole School Progression

EYFS Science Progression

KS1 Science Progression 

KS2 Science Progression

Science National Curriculum 

Science Week 2024

During our exciting Science Week, students at our school delved into the fascinating world of time. Through observing over time investigations, they honed their scientific skills and learned to track changes in various phenomena. Our special guests from Bexley Grammar School shared their expertise with our Year 5 students, unravelling the mysteries of time. Meanwhile, the Shooting Stars science workshop captivated young minds, teaching them about the fundamental principles of physics.

In addition, we also welcomed a STEM ambassador who came into to talk to the children about her STEM career and give them an idea about how science can have real life applications! But that’s not all! We hosted a poster competition, where creativity flowed as students depicted time-related concepts. And who can forget the sweets-in-the-jar guessing game? The suspense was palpable as everyone tried to estimate the number of treats hidden away. To wrap up the week, we embraced the theme by dressing up as scientists or anything related to time. From Albert Einstein to futuristic time travellers, our school was abuzz with excitement.

Science Websites

Wow Science
BBC Bitesize KS1 Science 
BBC Bitesize KS2 Science 

Science in action at Danson Primary School