Considerate Parking
The increasing number of cars outside school at the beginning and end of the day is a common issue for the majority of schools in the country. We encourage families to walk to school wherever possible and politely request that parents and visitors to the school park in surrounding roads with thought and consideration for the children, other adults and the local community. Please obey the restrictions in place and do not park in an obstructive manner.
Please think before you park!
- Walk to school if you can.
- If you have to come by car, try to share trips with neighbours or friends, observe the traffic regulations and park safely a short distance from the school to avoid congestion near to the school so that children can cross safely.
- Do not park, or wait, on the yellow ‘KEEP CLEAR’ markings. These markings are self-explanatory and are there to keep children safe.
- Do not block other people’s driveways with your vehicle. This is classed as an unnecessary obstruction and could result in your vehicle being ticketed and even removed.
- Do not park blocking dropped kerbs. These are in place to allow access to wheelchairs/prams. Blocking these will result in your vehicle being ticketed.
The safety of the children is our priority. Thank you to everyone that parks in a safe and considerate fashion.