Medicines in School
In line with LEA policy and Governor approved school policy, medication is administered in school only in exceptional circumstances. Sometimes a child may be recovering from a short-term illness and is well enough to attend School, although still taking medication. It is very important parents bring the medication to the office and complete associated medical forms.
Parents are expected to collect their child’s medication at the end of each term to check quantities and expiry dates. This should then be returned to the office where any relevant paperwork will need to be completed. It is the parents’ responsibility to update the School Office with any changes to the medical needs and requirements of their child. (Please refer to the Medical Policy for further information).
We would like to draw your attention to the following points:
Pupils who are unwell should not be sent to school. Children should not return to school within 48 hours of the end of a bout of sickness or diarrhoea. This is to ensure the health and safety of your child as well as other children and staff.
If the family’s General Practitioner advises that pupils should attend school while still requiring medicine, parents cannot ask the School to administer medicines. Parents are asked to make arrangements to come (or send a representative) to School to administer the medication.
Pupils who need to receive medication on a three times day basis are able to take one dose before school, one after School and one at bedtime.
The school recognises that there are pupils who require medication for specific conditions such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy or allergy. We are sensitive to the needs of such pupils and accept that we have a duty to safeguard the health and safety of our pupils. Arrangements will be made between home, school and the School Health Service, which are clearly understood by all staff and the parents of the pupils concerned.
The school also cannot be responsible for administering any other non-prescribed medication, i.e. Calpol, headache tablets, insect repellent etc. except in very special circumstances. Arrangements must again be made between home, school and the School Health Service.