
We are committed to making sure all members of our school community are safe from harm. All employees and volunteers are required to complete a criminal record check in the form of a DBS check. Staff will be informed of the school's child protection policy at their induction.
Staff and visitors are expected to follow a code of conduct and should act in a professional manner at all times. The school has a whistleblowing policy accessible by staff at all times.
All staff know how to recognise possible abuse both within school and externally. All staff at  Danson have read and understand the school’s Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy and receive regular training.



Staff Member

Designated Safeguarding Lead for Child Protection

Mrs L Casey- Co-Head Teacher

Mrs A Allen- Co-Head Teacher 


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads with DSL training.

Miss E Bell

(Senior Deputy Safeguarding Lead/Family Liaison Officer)

Mr C Tupper

(Deputy Head Teacher)

Miss E Herdecka

(Assistant Head Teacher)

 Mrs L Stephens

(Assistant Head Teacher)

Mrs N Pettifor


Supporting Safeguarding Leads with DSL training.


Miss C Sims (UKS2 Learning and Behaviour Lead/SLT)

Mrs V Beazley (UKS2Learning and Behaviour Lead//SLT)

Mr R Welsh (LKS2Learning and Behaviour Lead/SLT)

Mrs V McLaren (KS1 Learning and Behaviour Lead/SLT)

Mrs M Stevens- Business Manager/SLT

Mr D Corley-Sports Instructor

Miss K Jesney-Lead MDM Supervisor/HLTA

Mrs L Meredith-Wrap Around Leader/HLTA

Supporting Safeguarding Deputies with DSL training.


Mrs O'Hara-EYFS

Mr W Ewen-KS1

Miss S Tuffly-KS1

Miss S Jones-KS2

Mrs B Foskett-HLTA

Mrs P Newman-Wrap Around Deputy

Mrs E O’Boyle-School Office Administrator


Link Safeguarding Governor

Link Online Safety Governor

Mrs Mash

Miss C Sims

What do we do to promote safeguarding?
  • Anyone with a concern reports this promptly to Mrs Casey, Mrs Allen or Miss Bell (the school's Joint Designated Safeguarding Lead). In Miss Casey’s absence, concerns must be reported to a member of the Senior Leadership Team who are Safeguarding Deputies: Mr Tupper, Miss Herdecka, Miss Bennett, Mrs Stephens, Mrs O’Hara, Miss Jones, Miss Sims, or Mrs Stevens.
  • Year Group Leads, Lead MDM Supervisors, Wrap Around Care Leads, PPA cover staff are also trained as Safeguarding Deputies.
  • We have strong links with Children’s Social Services forming part of a co-ordinated approach to Safeguarding in Bexley.
  • All adults in school wear identity/visitor badges so that they can be quickly identified.
  • All visitors to site have coloured coded lanyards to identify themselves to others in the school building
  • Our school site is kept safe and secure. Only authorised visitors will be allowed into school.
  • All staff have read and understand the Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy and are trained annually to identify signs of abuse and understand what they need to do.
  • We operate safer recruitment processes aimed to deter and prevent abusers from making contact with the pupils at Danson.
  • Children trust the staff at Danson know that they can speak to any adult if they have a concern.
  • We are an accredited National Online Safety School and support both our pupils and parents on how they can ensure their child is safe online.
  • We have a clear ‘Whistle Blowing Policy’ to ensure that all concerns are reported and can be acted upon.

Safer Internet Day 2024

The aim of Prevent is to support a person that is susceptible to being radicalised at the right time. This is so we can help people to make better choices and stay safe.
It is essential that staff are able to identify children who may be vulnerable to radicalisation, and know what to do when they are identified. This is part of our wider safeguarding duty and concerns are reported to Mrs Casey. All staff have had ‘Prevent’ training. We aim to build pupils’ resilience to radicalisation by promoting fundamental British values and encourage our children to debate and challenge extremist views in a safe environment.
Who is the Designated Safeguarding Lead?
The Safeguarding Team is lead by Mrs Casey, Mrs Allen and Miss Bell.


Operation Encompass
School has joined up to a partnership scheme with the Metropolitan Police called Operation Encompass which allows the DSL to be notified when a child has been present at an incident of domestic abuse. This ensures that we can provide the best support and care for the pupils at Danson. Please see a link to the Operation Encompass website for more detailed information.


